Brainteaser #12 – Port of Call


Here is another relatively dark mystery riddle!

Deep in the Indian Ocean, an oil tanker has been secured by ruthless pirates. A crack team of special forces have been deployed to assess the situation and board the ship.

They suspect the ship is embroiled in an oil smuggling operation and attempt to locate the ringleader.

The special forces are collecting intel from a nearby port when they’re ambushed by surprisingly well-prepared guerilla fighters.

At their last known location, they leave a note with just these numbers attached:

710 57735 34 5508 51 7718

When the investigators arrive at the scene and read the note, how do they know who is in charge of the oil smuggling operation?

The suspect’s name is Bill. If you flip the writing, it spells out ‘Bill is boss he sells oil’. Simple but effective!

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